Timid ( UK) 

​Timid started life as a photographer, perhaps literally. Both his father and sister earned their livings as aerial photographers - often bringing their work home with them to be displayed right across the kitchen table. Having spent years only experiencing images as seen from above he rebelled and began photographing buildings and faces close up and defocused.

A love of decaying architecture led Timid onto demolition sites to capture buildings as they expired, here he came into contact with other artists making use of the space. These artists and their relationship to these buildings have fascinated him ever since.

Over time through friendships with these artists Timid has progressed from merely photographing them and their work to working alongside them - curating their work and providing support for the promotion and a progression of this modern artform, His groundbreaking films The Ghostvillage Project and AOC 0.3– detailing arts collective Agents Of Change working in an abandoned Scottish village and on a commission for the FutureEverything Festival – are presently playing at film festivals around the world. Timid currently represents the 12 artists who form Agents Of Change - their breadth of practice ranging from abstract expressionism through to large scale sculpture.