Knowledge of the it unfolds....
Remi/Rough Images of home
Remi/Rough hits the ground running in the new year.....An A5 book with 72 pages of images you rarely get to see… Mock ups, sketches, ideas, photos and more…100 copies only, printed on recycled 100gm paper with a 250gm cover. Get yourself one the immortal words 'whilst stocks last'
Jerry Inscoe joins Agents of Change
Our long term friend and sometime collaborator Jerry Inscoe has joined AoC with immediate effect...don't know his work ?..then gain enlightenment here
City of Angels
Remi Rough...Belfast
The globetrotter hits a wall a little closer to home...
LX One...deep south
Capetown gets the LX One treatment courtesy of A Word of perspectives happen in the southern hemisphere...
Running With The Hunted.....Berlin
Jaybo does it again....blowing our minds. Circleculture Gallery from the 22nd June
It's catching...the third dimension
As we move further and further away from the expected....the third dimension starts to creep in to all our work....Remi Rough's new show How To Use Colour and Manipulate People at Unit 44 is no exception....
Mare 139 in Berlin....a meeting of Agents in space and time
The opening of Mare 139's show Physical Graffiti Art of the B-boy Dance at Skalitzers Contemporary Art in Berlin meant that an occurrence as rare as the transit of venus came into being last week...two members of AoC manifested themselves in the same physical space long enough to collaborate on this extraordinary piece of work....behold Jaybo vs Mare 139
LX One.....twisting space
Augustine Kofie May...June and beyond.....
Agents of Change 5 stories of Kings Cross
Mare 139 Joins Agents Of Change
Augustine Kofie joins Agents of Change
AOC welcomes Augustine Kofie into the fold... If there had to be an American agent....
Steve More returns with 'Interface', a groundbreaking online show, that follows his recent collaboration 'A' with Remi/Rough. The exhibition is sited in a condemned WWII building and draws the viewer in using powerful imagery and its truly innovative use of virtual reality software. You will see nothing else like this out there.
LX.One hugs trees and paints walls
Dabs and Myla....and Remi/Rough
3 Kings in 25fps
Back in April Remi/Rough and System completed a tribute to 3 Kings Dondi White, Jean Michel Basquiat and RammellZee .....the film has lain in the vaults ever since...but now we are able to release it into the wild...
Agents of CHANGE
Derm and Steve More have been out making their mark and warping your minds with their perspectives....
Kofie and Remi/Rough go big in south London
Augustine Kofie paid a flying visit to London this week and stepped up with Remi/Rough to paint this killer wall in south London...stand in wonder...